Masters Degree Program

Masters Degree Program (Course Descriptions)


Review the Master’s program textbooks. You may use two books that we may not have in our curriculum. Such texts must be pre-approved by FFTS. Please email or write us about books you may wish to substitute in your Degree program. We will be pleased to work with you in making your experience at First Faith Theological Seminary as fulfilling as possible.


M-101. Understanding the Old Testament   A lively retelling of the story of Israel from the Exodus to the beginning of the Christian era. Leads to an appreciation of the historical, literary and religious dimensions of the scriptures. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Understanding the Old Testament (Fifth Edition) by Bernhard W. Anderson.

M-102. A Survey of the Old Testament   Provides a brief overview of all Old Testament from a relatively traditional and conservative viewpoint but also discusses opposing views as well. Features an expanded text and full-color maps, photographs, timelines, and charts. This survey addresses the Old Testament as a whole and by major sections and individual books, exploring interpretation, geography, archaeology, and history; theological and literary elements; and the formation of the OT canon and its relationship to the New Testament.. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): A Survey of the Old Testament, Expanded and Redesigned (Zondervan / 2009 / Hardcover) by Andrew E. Hill, John H. Walton.

M-110. Understanding the New Testament   Looking at the literary techniques, context and oral nature of the New Testament world, analyzing those writings as a set of interacting stories, not just discrete documents. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The New Testament Story: An Introduction (Edition 4) by David L. Barr.
Optional Text(s): REQUIRED as SECOND TEXT: Horizontal Harmony of the Four Gospels in Parallel Columns by Thomas M. Mumford. (Similar parallel comparisons may be substituted).

M-112. Communicating the New Testament   A standard textbook used in Seminaries and Christian colleges. This course does quite as good a job of staying on top of the current scholarship while defending generally conservative evangelical views on the authorship, date, setting, purpose, and other backgrounds sorts of issues on each NT book. It carefully covers all the necessary details, communicating how one can confidently approach New Testament studies. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): An Introduction to the New Testament by D. A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo.

M-120. The Pentateuch   An introduction to the first five books of the Bible. This course unravels the radical scholarly opinions on just where these ancient and powerful stories come from, how they are formed, and what significance they have for today. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible by Joseph Blenkinsopp.

M-130. The Faith of Ancient Israel   Explores the deep interconnectedness of the themes of the Old Testament. A Thematic approach terminologically of the depths, complexities and interrelationships of the faith of ancient Israel. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Reverberations of Faith: A Theological Handbook of Old Testament Themes by Walter Brueggemann.

M-140. Biblical Christology   “Who do people say that I am?” Jesus asked the question and scholars have been debating the answer ever since. Instead of adding his own two cents in, Brown, a highly respected Catholic scholar, enables one to understand the NT issues regarding Jesus’ identity and the reason for debate. Presented as “detached” scholarship, this course will be helpful to fundamentalists, evangelicals and liberals alike. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Introduction to New Testament Christology by Raymond E. Brown.

M-142. Gospel-centeredness   ‘Gospel-centeredness’ has become the new, vogue term for evangelical pastors and churches. Greg Gilbert does a masterful job in this book explaining what that gospel actually is. He shows us that many well-meaning churches have distorted the gospel through false teaching, and others have abandoned the gospel because of embarrassment or simply neglect. This is a profound analysis of the gospel, expressed in a poignant, relevant way. I am very grateful for Greg’s prophetic call to return to the straightforward message of the cross”. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): What Is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert (Author), D. A. Carson (Foreword).

M-145. Parable and Gospel   One of the most innovative NT scholars of the 20th century, Norman Perrin broke new ground with his insights on the parables, the Gospel of Mark, the historical Jesus, New Testament theology, and Christology, as well as exegetical methodology and hermeneutics. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Parable and Gospel by Norman Perrin.

M-148. Theological Profile of the New Testament   Profiles the New Testament with major treatments of Paul, Jesus, the Synoptics, John, and the General Letters. Argues for a rich mosaic of theologies rather than one single New Testament theology. AdoUBTS a redaction-critical approach and thus highlights the background of and relationships among the New Testament writings. Strecker’s relentless pursuit of the distinctive views of each specific writing allows the complexity of the New Testament to emerge. The magnum opus of one of the twentieth century’s most respected theologians. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Theology of the New Testament (Westminster John Knox Press / 2000 / Paperback) by Georg Strecker.

M-150. The Gnostic Gospels   Examines the different ways in which both Gnostics and the orthodox constructed God, Christ, and the Church. Did Jesus literally rise from the dead? Was there only one God, and could He be both Father and Mother? Whose version of Christianity came down to us and why did it prevail?. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels.

M-155. Understanding the Bible Today   Understanding the Bible isn’t just for the few, the gifted, the scholarly. The Bible is accessible. It’s meant to be read and comprehended by everyone from armchair readers to seminary students. A few essential insights into the Bible can clear up a lot of misconceptions and help you grasp the meaning of Scripture and its application to your 21st-century life. A must for all who are bothered by angels, trumpets, earthquakes, beasts, dragons and bottomless pits. In clear, simple language, it helps you accurately understand the different parts of the Bible — their meaning for ancient audiences and their implications for you today — so you can uncover the inexhaustible worth that is in God’s Word. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth by Gordon Fee and Doug Stuart.

M-158. The Scandal of the Cross   Model messages on crucial passages of the New Testament. They are meditations that instruct our minds and feed our souls. Biblical content-straight, ripped, hard, solid fundamentals us about Christ’s cross and resurrection. A rich, thoughtful, and theologically honest introduction to the person and work of Jesus. With the biblical fidelity, clarity, and wisdom, this course provides a treatment of the ironies of the cross not merely as a literary device but as a powerful analysis of the subversive, upside-down nature of the cross; namely, the powerful, redeeming, trusting king of the universe becoming a powerless, marginalized, and crucified savior. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus by D. A. Carson.

M-160. Taking the Bible Seriously but Not Literally   An enlightened, contemporary way to be believers and to appreciate the profound richness of the Bible. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Reading the Bible Again for the First Time by Marcus J. Borg.

M-170. Biblical Archaeology   An informative and engaging introduction to biblical archaeology, this accessible book explores the histories, cultures, and social forces of the earliest civilizations. Full-color maps, photographs, and diagrams walk you through archaeological digs, including those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Palestine. The knowledge gained through these excavations will give you insight into the historical context and cultural setting of the biblical narratives. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Bible Archaeology: An Exploration of the History and Culture of Early Civilizations by John McRay & Alfred Hoerth.

M-190. Biblical Greek I   This course is based on the program of study prepared by William D. Mounce. It is offered in two parts. The first covers an introduction to Greek (Chapters 1-4); the second part engages the Noun System (Chapters 5-14). There are supporting materials and audio visuals available on his website: As a course guide, follow the “Online Courses” section. Check there for further information. Course requirements will be met by submitting the completed portions of the Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook for the required chapters. The course is only offered on a Pass/Fail basis. Students signing up for the course will be loaned the set of video lectures for Tract 2 which must be returned upon the completion of the course. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook by William D. Mounce.

M-191. Biblical Greek II   This second course in the sequence is also based on the program of study prepared by William D. Mounce. Part III of the program covers the Indicative Verb System (Chapters 15-25) and Part IV addresses Participles (Chapters 26-36). There are supporting materials and audio visuals available on his website: As a course guide, follow the “Online Courses” section. Check there for further information. Course requirements will be met by submitting the completed portions of the Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook for the required chapters. The course is only offered on a Pass/Fail basis. Students signing up for the course will be loaned the set of video lectures for Tract 2 which must be returned upon the completion of the course. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: Biblical Greek I
Required Text(s): Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook by William D. Mounce.


M-201. Systematic Theology   Covers all the major Christian Doctrines from revelation to eschatology. A thoroughly Trinitarian rethinking of God’s power and purpose in the world today. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Faith Seeking Understanding by Daniel L. Migliore.

M-202. Introduction to Evangelical Biblical Theology   A systematic approach to traditional conservative Christian beliefs in God and God’s creation based on the authority of Scripture. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth by Charles C. Ryrie.

M-203. Biblical Doctrine   A primary course in systematic theology with a strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine and teaching. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine by Wayne Grudem.

M-204. Introduction to Theology – An Ecumenical Approach   This course is ecumenical in the best sense of that word. Written in a style that is friendly, clear and accessible, it induces the novice into a masterly overview of the subject and into the lively, questioning conversation that it represents. It is intended to appeal to the breadth and depth of the Church’s witness in order to explain its faith. This course should engage students of all stripes. It raises as many questions as it answers, and it provides the foundation for a deeper exploration of the Church’s common mind. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Theology: The Basics (Paperback) by Alister E. McGrath.

M-205. Process Theology   An introductory exposition of the theological movement that has been strongly influenced by the philosophies of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne. Offers an interpretation of the basic conceUBTS of process philosophy and outlines a “process theology” based on it that will be especially useful for students of theology, teachers of courses in contemporary philosophy and theology, ministers, and those interested in current theological and philosophical trends. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition by John B Cobb.

M-206. Biblical Theology   Addresses the core issues of biblical theology essential to both Old Testament and New Testament study. Can we draw theological principles from Scripture? What methods will give useful results for theological exploration of biblical texts? Aptly synthesizing classic and recent scholarship while asserting his own theological findings, Mead provides an excellent overview of the history of biblical theology and a thorough examination of its basic issues, methods, and themes. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Biblical Theology: Issues, Methods, and Themes (Westminster John Knox Press / 2007 / Paperback) by James K. Mead.

M-207. Modern Theology   Systematically compares orthodox, liberal and radical approaches on such topics as the Bible in theology, creation, sin, feminist liberation theology, grace, Black Church theology, the cross and resurrection. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Thinking About God by Dorothee Sölle.

M-208. Catholic Theology   This study is an introduction to Catholic theology designed both for the theological student and for the general reader willing to make a certain effort. After introducing the idea of theology and the virtues desirable in the budding theologian, the bulk of the book falls into five sections: 1. the role of philosophy in theology, 2. the use of the Bible in theology, 3. the resources of tradition for theology, 4. two “aids to discernment in theology”- experience, and the Church’s magisterium, 5. a short history of Catholic theology from the New Testament to the present day. The conclusion considers the features of pluralism and unity which should typify Catholic theology as a whole and suggests how unity may avoid becoming uniformity, without pluralism falling into anarchy. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Shape Of Catholic Theology (Liturgical Press / 1991 / Paperback) By: Aidan Nichols by Aidan Nichols.

M-209. Theology from an Anglican Perspective   An introduction to theology from an Anglican perspective. Organized around the topics of systematic theology, it begins with an exploration of scripture, then moves through history and tradition to contemporary debates and reconstructions. As a textbook for introductory courses in seminaries of the Episcopal Church, this book also includes references to The Book of Common Prayer, which Anglicans consider a primary source for theology. Pays detailed attention to the many developments in theology since its last revision: the emergence of new perspectives such as womanist, mujerista, narrative, and post-modern theology; the shift in theological methods to incorporate the human sciences, recent critical philosophies, and recent developments in the physical sciences; the ongoing revisions of The Book of Common Prayer and resultant shifts in Anglican identity; and the globalization of theological education, specifically the focus on the Episcopal Church as part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Introduction to Theology by Owen C. Thomas, Ellen K. Wondra.

M-210. Liberation Theology   “What is liberation theology?” With stunning precision and clarity, sources of this ‘theology in movement’ are described, its main themes and challenges, its roots in Latin America, and its reverberations around the world. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Introducing Liberation Theology by Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff.

M-212. Introduction to Christology   An introduction to the fundamental aspects of Christology from the “centrist” perspective. Fr. Brown hits on many of the standard topics in Christology such as the “titles” of Jesus, the resurrection, the messianic expectations of the Jews, and the like. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): An Introduction to New Testament Christology (Paperback) by Raymond E. Brown.

M-215. Christology   A discussion of the Christian faith from the perspective of systematic theologian Paul Tillich. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Systematic Theology: Volume Two by Paul Tillich.

M-218. Apologetics   You see it on all the networks magazine covers: Who is the Real Jesus? Usually, he’s not the man they present. Apologist Lee Strobel examines the biblical Jesus, comparing him to the user-friendly version presented by the secular press, the man without the deity. In “The Case for the Real Jesus” you’ll be armed with the truth to defend Christianity in an increasingly hostile world.. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Case for the Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of Christ (Zondervan / 2007 / Hardcover) by Lee Strobel.

M-220. Atonement and the Cross   A theological look at the meaning of the cross, the emblem of our worship and the axiom of our faith. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Cross of Christ by John R. W. Stott.

M-225. Cosmic Christ   A theological look at planetary salvation that seeks to heal the world. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Coming of the Christ by Matthew Fox.

M-227. Jesus; The Life and Vision of a Revolutionary   In reply to the rampant confusion today, the former dean of Lichfield Cathedral crisply outlines the church’s position regarding who Jesus was, what he taught, and how he died. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Original Jesus by N. T. Wright.

M-228. Contemporary Natural Theology   Starts with the belief that the God we worship and the world God created cannot be truthfully known without the cross and that the knowledge of God and ecclesiology–or the politics called church–are interdependent. From this belief, it then goes on to argue that Karl Barth was the only true natural theologian from among the three individuals considered (Barth, William James and Reinhold Niebuhr). This is because Barth refused to separate his trinitarian doctrine from his “natural theology” . 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): With the Grain of the Universe: The Churchs Witness and Natural Theology by Stanley Hauerwas.

M-229. Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion   A classic introduction to the philosophy of religion from a Christian perspective. AttemUBTS to set forth a comprehensive method of thinking about faith. It shows from various angles how faith is thought of and attemUBTS to dissolve the atheistic mindset . 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith [Paperback] by C. Stephen Evans and R. Zachary Manis.

M-230. Pauline Christology   Explores all of the apostle’s letters (including those with questionable authorship) and ferrets out the Christology of each one. Then offers an interpretive, doctrinal, and coherent synthesis of Paul’s view of Jesus. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Pauline Christology: An Exegetical-Theological Study by Gordon D. Fee.

M-235. Renewal Theology   A study in Charismatic Theology. Provides insight into a variety of fundamental doctrines including redemption, salvation, the church, and the kingdom, giving insight into a better understanding of how God works in one’s own life.. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Renewal Theology: Systematic Theology from a Charismatic Perspective, 3 Volumes in One by Rodman Williams.

M-237. Roman Catholic Theological Perspectives   Assembling a dozen of North America’s leading Roman Catholic theologians this course gives response to the major theological challenges facing the Catholic Church. It integrates relevant church traditions and teaching along with the most significant contemporary proposals into the discussion. No single methodological viewpoint is imposed yet each contribution is striving for relevance in Catholic doctrine with biblical and historical sensitivity. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Systematic Theology, Roman Catholic Perspectives #1 (Augsburg Fortress / 1991 / Hardcover) by Francis Schussler Fiorenza & John P. Galvin, eds.

M-238. Dogmatics in the Reformed Church   This clear, systematic study and exposition of Reformed theology is written by Herman Hoeksema, who held the Chair of Dogmatics for some forty years at a Reformed seminary. Divided into the six generally accepted branches of theology (theology, anthropology, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology), this scholarly work is logical, scripturally sound, and faithful to the Reformed creeds and traditions. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Reformed Dogmatics Volume 1, second edition (Reformed Free Publishing Assoc / 2004 / Hardcover) by Herman Hoeksema.

M-241. Historical Jesus I   Schweitzer describes and critiques 18th and 19th century attemUBTS at retrieving the “Jesus of history” and stands at the crossroads of the 19th and 20th centuries to bring closure to the former, and to open the latter for New Testament scholarship. Schweitzer saw the problems of historiography, theology, and politics in the ways the issues were formulated and the answers proposed and refocused attention on Jesus’ “eschatology” in a way abandoned by his predecessors. Issues of the messianic secrets, the nature of the kingdom of God, and Jesus’ mission are addressed. Because of the new invigorated study of Jesus in his first-century context, informed readers will desire Schweitzer as the reference point for the mistakes of the past and the possibilities of new direction. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer.

M-242. Historical Jesus II   Bringing together a broad range of ancient Christian, Jewish, pagan, and Coptic texts, this landmark collection sheds important light on the historical Jesus and places the narratives in their literary, social, and archaeological context. Twenty-five prominent experts offer new translations and the latest research. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Historical Jesus in Context by Amy-Jill Levine, Dale C. Allison Jr., John Dominic Crossan, Editors.

M-243. Historical Jesus III   How does our view of the historical Jesus influence our interpretation of the Gospels? Tracing the discussion and scholarship surrounding this age-old debate—including the controversial Jesus Seminar—Herzog’s holistic examination of Christ’s words and deeds also considers Jesus’ first followers’ understanding of his miracles and teachings. For general readers and serious students alike. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Prophet and Teacher: An Introduction to the Historical Jesus by William Herzog.

M-244. Historical Jesus IV   Tracing Jesus’ life back to its primary sources, this best-selling portrait looks at the shadow, or effect, he had on all those around him. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Shadow of the Galilean: The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Narrative Form by Gerd Theissen.

M-245. Historical Jesus V   Marcus Borg outlines his own spiritual journey from early naiveté to a period of skepticism to a more authentic understanding of Christ that takes into account the findings of modern critical scholarship. He urges his readers not to be overly concerned with creeds and doctrines, but to be attuned to the Spirit. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus & the Heart of Contemporary Faith by Marcus J. Borg.

M-246. Historical Jesus VI   Ernest Renan (1823-1892) was a Frenchman who had spent a considerable time in Palestine. He attempted to write a life of Christ based not on the perspective that he was God but rather a man. This consists of trying to put what happened in the context of Jewish and Roman Society at the beginning of the Christian era. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Life of Jesus (Paperback) (Available from Amazon in a Kindle Edition for free.) by Ernest Renan.

M-247. Historical Jesus VII   The course builds a convincing interdisciplinary case for the unique and plausible position of Jesus in human history. The premise is that the authors of the New Testament didn’t plant evidence, though each writer did tell the truth from a unique perspective. Carefully investigates the Gospel portraits of Jesus — particularly the Synoptic Gospels — assessing what is reliable history and fictional legend. The contention is that a cumulative case for the general reliability of the Synoptic Gospels can be made and boldly challenge those who question the veracity of the Jesus found there. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition by Paul Rhodes Eddy and Gregory A. Boyd.

M-250. Ecological Theology   Provides a mainstream perspective utilizing models for God that reflect both ecological sensitivity and concern for justice. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Models for God: Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age by Sallie McFague.

M-252. Theology of Hope   At a time when humankind is moving toward a realization of what used to seem to be Utopia and is at the same terrified of the prospect, there is a vital need for Christianity to be clear about its attitudes to the future. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Theology of Hope by Jürgen Moltmann.

M-253. God’s Truth and Reality   Pannenberg draws on his vast command of historical knowledge and philosophical argument to work out a new Trinitarian doctrine of God. Particularly refreshing is his insistence that the preeminent theme of theology is the question of God’s truth and reality, apart from which all discussion of revelation and salvation is nonsense. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Systematic Theology, Vol. 1 (T&T Clark / 2004 / Paperback) by Wolfhart Pannenberg.

M-255. Gender, Ethnicity and Religion   The course offers new, ethnically influenced theological perspectives: specific contributions to Caribbean, Cuban, womanist theologies and explorations of sacramental theology, ecotheology, and spirituality. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Gender, Ethnicity, and Religion: Views from the Other Side by Rosemary Radford Ruether.

M-258. Sin and Salvation   Traces Jesus’ steps to and from the cross, beginning with the plan of God in eternity, through the prophecies and promise of the Old Testament to the coming to earth of the Son of God, and on to the future glory when the whole of creation will join in acknowledging that Jesus is Lord of all and the theme of worship for all eternity will be the salvation which He accomplished on the cross. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Journey to the Cross: God’s Amazing Plan of Salvation by Roger Ellsworth.

M-259. The Problem of Good and Evil   Why is there is evil in our world, how can God be good and allow evil, what is the relationship between human moral choice (sometimes called free-will) and divine sovereignty, comforting those in suffering and preparations to make before suffering comes. This course has much sound exposition of relevant passages from the Old and New Testaments. This clear and accessible treatment of key biblical themes related to human suffering and evil is written by one of the most respected evangelical biblical scholars alive today. Carson brings together a close, careful exposition of key biblical passages with helpful pastoral applications. A rather comprehensive analysis of what Scripture says about suffering, and equally important, what Scripture does not say. This text is something other than a philosophical defense. It is an exegetical defense, and a very good one . 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): How Long, O Lord?: Reflections on Suffering and Evil by D. A. Carson.

M-260. Holy Spirit, Salvation and the Church   Covers the interrelated doctrines of the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and our eschatological hope. Whether you agree with his positions or not, you’re sure to find plenty of stimuli for thought and discussion. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Systematic Theology, Volume 3 by Wolfhart Pannenberg.

M-262. Introduction to the Theology of the Old Catholic Church   A theological introduction to the theology of the Old Catholic Church of the United States (a particular jurisdiction within the larger body of Old and Independent Catholic entities that populates the religious landscape in America). Informative and presented in an organized fashion for members of other jurisdictions. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Credo: The Catechism of The Old Catholic Church by Old Catholic Church of the United States.

M-264. The Old Catholic Church: Trinitarian and Eucharistic Understanding   The course focuses on the historical origins to better explain the Eucharistic nature of the local Catholic Church. It highlights some of the real struggles faced by Independent Old Catholics in North America with regard to this Trinitarian and Eucharistic understanding of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Old Catholic Church by Robert W. Caruso.

M-265. Theology of Paul Tillich   An examination of the key texts and ideas of Tillich’s thought. Discusses a wide range of theological issues beginning with the nature of God and ending with the nature of eternal life. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Paul Tillich: A Theology for the 21st Century by Richard M. Pomeroy.

M-266. Theology of the Eastern Church   Indispensable for an understanding of the theology of the Eastern Church today. In this classic study of Orthodox theology, Lossky states that ‘in a certain sense all theology is mystical, in as much as it shows forth the divine mystery: the data of revelation…the eastern tradition has never made a sharp distinction between mysticism and theology, between personal experience of the divine mysteries and the dogma affirmed by the Church.’ The term ‘mystical theology’ denotes in the realm of human experience, that which is accessible yet inaccessible; those things understood yet surpassing all knowledge”. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church [Paperback] by Vladimir Lossky.

M-267. Byzantine Christian Thought   A synthesis of Byzantine Christian thought. The student is guided through its complexities to an understanding of Byzantium: its view of man and his destiny of “deification”; its ability to transcend the “Western captivity”; its survival under quite adverse historical circumstances. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes [Paperback] by John Meyendorff.

M-270. Theology of Karl Barth   For evangelicals still skittish about Karl Barth’s place in modern theology, Kurt Anders Richardson provides both an assessment of the influence Barth has exercised and a proposal as to how his work can be used as contemporary theology moves through and beyond him. This book introduces Barth’s continuing influence and provides an understanding of the recent development of theology in America. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Reading Karl Barth by Kurt Anders Richardson.

M-273. Karl Barth: Dogmatics   Barth defines this first volume of his monumental Church Dogmatics as scientific reflection on the Word of God. An introduction to the foundational ideas of Barth’s thought.4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Gottingen Dogmatics: Instruction in the Christian Religion, Vol.One by Hannelotte Reiffen, Editor.

M-276. Theology and Dietrick Bonhoeffer   The Cost of Discipleship compels the reader to face himself and God in any situation. Bonhoeffer speaks of “Cheap Grace”: preaching forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, communion without confession. “Cheap Grace” is grace without discipleship. “Costly Grace” is the gospel which must be sought again and again, the gift which must be asked for, the door at which a man must knock. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

M-278. Theology of Rudolf Bultmann   Discusses fully the relationship of biblical interpretation and systematic theology of the celebrated biblical scholar of the mid-twentieth century. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): What is Theology by Rudolf Bultmann.

M-280. African American Systematic Theology   Seeking to overcome the chasm between church practice and theological reflection, Evans situates theology squarely in the nexus of faith with freedom. There, with a sure touch, he uplifts revelatory aspects of black religious experience that reanimate classical areas of theology, and he creates a theology with a heart, a soul, and a voice that speaks directly to our condition. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): We Have Been Believers by James H. Evans, Jr.

M-284. Black Theology   The course sheds new light on the impact of race on the origin and development of theology in America. In this book Singleton appropriates Segundo’s method of deidealogization to argue that relevant theological reflection must expose religio-political ideologies that justify human oppression in the name of God as a distortion of the gospel and counter them with new theological presuppositions rooted in liberation. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Black Theology and Ideology: Deideological Dimensions in the Theology of James H. Cone by Harry Singleton III.

M-285. Anglican Ecclesiology   What makes the Anglican way of being “church” distinctive and perhaps unique? To answer this question, this course sets contemporary worldwide Anglicanism against its historical background and compares and contrasts the Anglican approach with that of other churches, particularly the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches. It provides a clear exposition of Anglican ecclesiology structured around relevant topics which serves as a guide to Anglicans in these troubled times, while also explaining Anglicanism to Non-Anglicans. The main focus is on the nature of the Anglican Communion, the role of bishops in Anglicanism, the theology of priesthood and the ordination of women as well as Anglican Eucharistic theology. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Identity of Anglicanism: Essentials of Anglican Ecclesiology by Paul Avis.

M-286. Twentieth Century Religious Thought   Extensive coverage of the interface between philosophy and theology as the varieties of 20th-century religious thought are explored. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Twentieth Century Religious Though, New Edition by John Macquarrie.

M-288. A Theological Journey   Understanding God’s purpose and plan for your life so that you can learn to live the life for which you were created. Living theology. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.

M-290. C.S. Lewis & The Psychology of Temptation   Wormwood, a demon apprentice, has been given his first earthly assignment—secure the damnation of a young man who’s just become a Christian. He seeks the advice of an experienced devil—his uncle Screwtape. Their correspondence discloses the psychology of temptation from the other side. Invaluable insights on temptation, pride, the power of prayer, and the ultimate victory of faith over the forces evil. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis.

M-291. Science & Religion   A concise introduction to science-and-religion issues. Although the overall focus is on questions of method, it also manages to introduce most of the topics of current science/religion dialogues. These include four areas based in the religious implications of specific sciences (cosmology, quantum theory, biological evolution and the sciences of “human nature”) as well as the more general question of the relationship between God and nature. Balancing coverage of essential “classical” sources (from Augustine to Kuhn) with the background necessary for reading more recent contributions to the field. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): When Science Meets Religion: Enemies, Strangers, or Partners? [Paperback] by Ian G. Barbour.

M-295. Metaphysics and the God of Israel   Opposing current trends that question a unified biblical theology, the course confronts the fundamental question of how God speaks in history. Covering the theological/philosophical spectrum, from Augustine and Anselm to N.T. Wright and Christopher Seitz, it offers a major effort to reintegrate systematic theology with biblical studies. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Metaphysics and the God of Israel: Systematic Theology of the Old and New Testaments by Neil B. MacDonald.


M-301. Christian Ethics   An excellent outline of Christian ethics, achieving a balance between the questions and issues which form the core of the study of ethics, and the life situations from which those questions arise. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Christian Ethics by Robin W. Lovin.

M-303. Christian Conduct and Morals   Guides the reader to the Bible and the Decalogue as the indispensable foundation to discerning proper Christian conduct and morals. Discusses ethical issues such as: – Marriage, Divorce, Capital punishment, Lying and deception, The Sermon on the Mount, Law and Grace. A convincing and concise understand of Christian ethics and does an excellent job of keeping the focus on ethics, while viewing it through the scope of the Doctrine of the Nature of Man. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics by John Murray.

M-305. Situation Ethics   Situation ethics presents a renewed morality of loving concern that is based on “agape”, the love of which only God is capable, but which every person must endeavor to emulate. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Situation Ethics: The New Morality by Joseph Fletcher.

M-308. Introduction to Biblical Ethics   This course will develop a pattern of ethics into which biblical concerns are brought coherently, building a bridge between biblical studies and ethics. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Bible & Ethics in the Christian Life by Bruce C. Birch & Larry L. Rasmussen.

M-310. Virtue Ethics and the New Testament   By remaining true to both the New Testament’s emphasis on the human response to God’s gracious activity in Jesus Christ and to the ethical needs and desires of Christians in the twenty-first century, the course address key topics such as discipleship, the Sermon on the Mount, love, sin, politics, justice, sexuality, marriage, divorce, bioethics, and ecology. Covers a broad sweep of ethical teaching from its foundations in Scripture and especially in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to its goal or ‘end’ with the full coming of God’s kingdom. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Jesus and Virtue Ethics: Building Bridges between New Testament Studies and Moral Theology by Daniel Harrington S.J..

M-315. Addressing Ethical Dilemmas   People struggle with and want help in addressing the ethical dilemmas of this time: death and dying, poverty, AIDS, racism, sexism, religious pluralism, peace, genetic engineering, and the right to die. This course discusses issues openly and provides thought-provoking questions and ways to help one make informed, faithful decisions and take action. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Faith & Ethics: Tough Choices for the 21st Century by Howard W. Roberts.

M-320. History of Christian Ethics   This survey of Christian ethics addresses major thinkers, movements, and issues from the early church to the present. A broad range of topics is discussed, including the biblical and philosophical legacies of Christian ethics and ethics through the early, medieval, Reformation, Enlightenment, and modern eras. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Christian Ethics: A Historical Introduction by J. Philip Wogaman.

M-330. Ethics and Technology   Through close analysis of the historical and conceptual roots of modern science and technology, Brian Brock here develops a theological ethic addressing a wide range of contemporary perplexities about the moral challenges raised by new technology. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Christian Ethics in a Technological Age by Brian Brock.

M-333. Medical Ethics   Life is full of tough decisions that must be made ethically and under the pressures of time. These readings place the reader in realistic situation where they experience the difficulties of making tough medical decisions. This gives a compelling sense of the pressures that bear on clinical decision-making. Ethical theory emerges as others involved in the case offer different views of what is right in a particular medical situation. This course will familiarize students with some of the ethical principles and issues critical to the practice of medicine to patients and their families. (Kevin McDonnell is Prof. of Philosophy at St. Mary’s College, Univ. of Notre Dame). 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Tough Decisions: Cases in Medical Ethics by John M. Freeman M.D., Kevin McDonnell M.D.

M-337. Introduction to Ethics in Business   This course depicts shows how you can live with integrity by using the Golden Rule as your standard, regardless of religion, culture, or circumstances. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Ethics 101: There’s Only One Rule for Making Decisions by John C. Maxwell.

M-340. The Ethics of Reinhold Niebuhr   Reinhold Niebuhr understood the tensions and complexities of the Christian Life. His approach became to theology became known as “Christian realism.” Through his life and work we can see the importance of paying attention to what is really happening and the witness we can make when we look at events with a wisdom shaped by a biblical understanding of history and human nature. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Reinhold Niebuhr (Abingdon Pillars of Theology) by Robin W Lovin.


M-401. Church History I   The history of the Christian church, offering a rare blend of clarity, unity, and balance. From the earliest beginnings, through the Gnostic crisis to Constantine, and into the Middle Ages. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): A History of the Christian Church, (Classic Reprint) [Paperback] {@$14.00} by Williston Walker.

M-405. Church History II   The history of the Christian church from the Later Middle ages, through the Reformation to Contemporary Christianity. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): A History of the Christian Church,(Classic Reprint) [Paperback] {@$14.00} by Williston Walker.

M-410. The Early Church of Eusebius   Bishop Eusebius, a learned scholar who lived most of his life in Caesarea in Palestine, broke new ground in writing The History of the Church and provided a model for all later ecclesiastical historians. In tracing the history of the Church from the time of Christ to the Great Persecution at the beginning of the fourth century and ending with the conversion of the Emperor Constantine, he tried to show the purity and continuity of the doctrinal traditions of Christianity in its struggle against persecutors and heretics, and supported his account by extensive quotations from original sources to a degree hitherto unknown. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The History of the Church by Eusebius.

M-412. The Making of the Protestant Reformation   The story of the German Renaissance and Reformation through the lives of two controversial men of the sixteenth century: the Saxon court painter Lucas Cranach and the Wittenberg monk-turned-reformer Martin Luther. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Serpent and the Lamb: Cranach, Luther, and the Making of the Reformation by Steven Ozment.

M-414. History of Religion   Explores the essential elements and teachings of the world’s predominant faiths, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the native traditions of Australia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. Emphasizing the inner—rather than the institutional—dimension of these religions, it devotes special attention to Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism, and the teachings of Jesus. Conveys the unique appeal and gifts of each of the traditions and reveals their hold on the human heart and imagination. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The World’s Religions (Plus) [Paperback] by Huston Smith.

M-415. Christian History from a Global Perspective   In a sweeping overview, this course points out that Christianity was a global faith from its inception. From the ancient land of Israel through Asia Minor and North Africa, Christianity rapidly spread through the Mediterranean basin, and thus to Europe, North American, and finally to the global south. Martin Marty’s emphasis here is on the spiritual side of the Christianity, with the institutions taking a back seat. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Christian World: A Global History (Modern Library Chronicles) by Martin Marty.

M-420. American Church History   An introduction to the diverse role that Christianity has played in American history. The multi-perspective approach reflects not only the pluralistic nature of Christianity’s role in American culture but also the breadth of interpretive methods used in the study of American religious history. Five main themes: religion and culture, religion and ethnicity, religious thought, “mainstream” religion, and alternatives in religion. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): American Church History by Henry Warden Bowden & P.C. Kemeny, Editors.

M-430. The Church in England   An authoritative account of the Church in England that covers its history from earliest times: the Roman, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Norman and Medieval periods before a description of the reformation and its effects, the Stuart period and the Industrial Age, ending with the Modern Church. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): History of the Church in England by J.R.H. Moorman .

M-431. The History of the Episcopal Church   An insightful and all-encompassing chronicle spanning 400 years tracing the fascinating rise of the Episcopal Church, founded in an age of fragmentation and molded by the powerful movements of American history: the Great Awakening; the American Revolution; the Civil War; two World Wars and the Depression; and the social upheavals of the post World War II years. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): History of the Episcopal Church – Revised Edition by Robert W. Prichard.

M-432. Anglican Identity   Is there an “Anglican identity”? Or is living with the tension between different temperaments and histories itself at the heart of the genius of Anglicanism? Anglican Identities draws together studies and profiles by Rowan Williams that sympathetically explore approaches to scripture, tradition, and authority that are very different—yet at the same time distinctively Anglican. William Tyndale, Richard Hooker, George Herbert, B. F. Westcott, Michael Ramsey, and John A. T. Robinson are among the writers and theologians whose work Archbishop Williams explores. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Anglican Identities by Rowan Williams.

M-433. The History and Ethos of the Churches of the Anglican Communion   A thorough account of the history and ethos of the Churches of the Anglican Communion from the Anglican reform of the sixteenth century to its global witness today. This study of Anglicanism offers a comprehensive interpretation of the character of Anglicanism–including its history, theology, worship, standards and practices, and its future prospects worldwide. A fascinating and unique work, it remains the one indispensable key to this rich and pluriform heritage . 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Study of Anglicanism by Stephen Sykes.

M-434. Diversity in Anglicanism   What is Anglicanism? This course explores the fascinating history, theology, and structures of Anglicanism, and highlights the diversity of the contemporary church by examining how traditions vary from England and American, from South Africa to Malaysia. It looks at current developments and controversies, such as homosexuality and women priests, and offers thought-provoking suggestions for the future of Anglicanism. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Anglicanism: A Very Short Introduction by Mark Chapman .

M-435. The Evangelical Church: Christian Orthodoxy Today   Recent cultural interest in evangelicalism has led to considerable confusion about what the term actually means. Many young Christians are tempted to discard the label altogether. But evangelicalism is not merely a political movement in decline or a sociological phenomenon on the rise, as it has sometimes been portrayed. It is, in fact, a helpful theological profile that manifests itself in beliefs, ethics, and church life. DeYoung and other key twenty- and thirty-something evangelical Christian leaders present “Don’t Call It a Comeback: The Same Evangelical Faith for a New Day” to assert the stability, relevance, and necessity of Christian orthodoxy today. This book introduces young, new, and under-discipled Christians to the most essential and basic issues of faith in general and of evangelicalism in particular. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Don’t Call It a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day by Kevin DeYoung (Editor), D. A. Carson (Foreword).

M-440. The Old Catholic Church: It’s Origins and History   A broad account of European Old Catholicism in historical, ecclesial, and to lesser extent theological, terms. A survey of church history including the Conciliar Movement (circa fourteenth century) and the first Vatican Council. Serves as a good guide for Anglican thinking of the time as well as Old Catholic. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Old Catholic Movement: Its Origins and History by C. B. Moss.

M-444. The History of the Old Catholic Church of North America   This course text traces the history of the Old Catholic movement from its beginnings in Utrecht, Holland, through its many struggles and growths to become what it is today. The specific focus is the history and beliefs of the Old Catholic Church of North America. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Old Catholic Church of North America by Rt. Rev. Michael Nesmith.

M-446. The Old Catholic Church as a Religious Movement   Delineates the history of the Old Catholic Church in North America and provides a most straightforward account of the numerous offspring of this very active religious movement. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Old Catholic Church: Third Edition by Karl Pruter.

M-451. The Orthodox Church   An introduction to the Orthodox Church. Orthodoxy continues to be a subject of enormous interest among Western Christians, and an understanding of its standpoint is necessary before the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches can be reunited. Explores the Orthodox views on such widely ranging matters as ecumenical councils, sacraments, free will, purgatory, the papacy and the relation between the different Orthodox churches . 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Orthodox Church: New Edition [Paperback] by Timothy Ware.


M-501. Fundamental Pastoral Care   Valuable for both seminary students and practicing ministers, this basic work integrates theology and pastoral care in a practical and useful way. With activities and questions for personal reflection, this much-needed work brings about a new awareness of the ministry of pastoral care. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Introduction to Pastoral Care by William V. Arnold.

M-510. Pastoral Care of Depression   This course is designed to help clergy and mental health professionals understand how depression negatively affects the way people emotionally experience God and how, through therapy, this hurtful God image can be changed into a much more positive one focused on healing. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Pastoral Care of Depression: Helping Clients Heal Their Relationship with God by Glendon Moriarty.

M-520. Ritual and Pastoral Care   Drawing on a range of practical concerns and issues in worship life and pastoral care, Elaine Ramshaw shows how ritual can communicate care, and be shaped by care for the individual, society, and the world. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Ritual and Pastoral Care by Elaine Ramshaw.

M-530. Bereavement Counseling   A guide to the treatment of grief responses which combines clinical and spiritual care as related to the pastoral setting. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Jesus Wept — A Psychospiritual Handbook of Death, Grief, and Bereavement Counseling for Eastern Orthodox Clergy by Gregory P Wynot.
Optional Text(s): (Alternative text) Bereavement Counseling: Pastoral Care for Complicated Grieving by Junietta Baker McCall.

M-533. Dying, Death, and Bereavement   A comprehensive survey of research, writings, and professional practices concerned with death and dying. It is interdisciplinary and eclectic — medical, psychological, religious, philosophical, bereavement, and widowhood issues are all considered, but with an emphasis on psychological as well as theological aspects. Questions, activities, and projects at the end of each section enhance reflection and personalize the material. Features material on: moral issues and court cases concerned with abortion and euthanasia, the widespread problem of AIDS and other deadly diseases, and the tragedies occasioned by epidemics, starvation, and war. The multicultural tone reflects the increased economic, social, and physical interdependency among the peoples of the world. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Dying, Death, and Bereavement by Lewis Aiken.

M-540. Ministering to Those in Grief   Helping others mourn. Specific attention given to the dynamics and symptoms of grief and developing person-to-person skills as one relates to the death of individuals, dealing with children and death, suicide, divorce as grief, job-related grief experiences, grief in the AIDS community, prayer and ministry, and funeral considerations. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Grief Ministry: Helping Others Mourn by Donna Reilly Williams and JoAnn Sturzl.

M-541. Christless Christianity   Invoking Martin Luther’s treatise On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Michael Horton fears that the church in America has also been willingly taken captive. The captors are American culture and ideals: consumerism, pragmatism, self-sufficiency, individualism, positive thinking, personal prosperity, and nationalism. Though these are antithetical to the gospel, we have often made them part and parcel with it. While we haven’t yet arrived at Christless Christianity, we are well on our way. Though we invoke the name of Christ, too often Christ and the Christ-centered gospel are pushed aside. The result is a message and a faith that are, in Horton’s words, “trivial, sentimental, affirming, and irrelevant.” This alternative “gospel” is a message of moralism, personal comfort, self-help, self-improvement, and individualistic religion. It trivializes God, making him a means to our selfish ends. Horton skillfully diagnoses the problem and points to the solution: a return to the unadulterated gospel of salvation. For anyone concerned about the state and future of Christianity and the church in America. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church (Baker Books / 2008 / Hardcover) by Michael Horton.

M-550. Dealing With Our Own Woundedness as Ministers   Deals with what it means to be a minister in contemporary society. A positive and hope-filled approach that speaks directly to those in ministry who want to be of service to the Church but find the familiar ways crumbling. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Wounded Healer by Henri J. M. Nouwen.


M-601. Spirituality and Jesus   Embark on a spiritual journey that will transform the way you see Jesus! Based on her best-selling Bible study, Moore’s up-close look at Christ brings you face-to-face with the Lord. Hear him preach on the Galilean hillside, see him raise the dead, watch him calm the storm—and your heart will be his forever. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Jesus, the One and Only by Beth Moore.

M-610. Spirituality of God’s Presence   Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the greatest secret of living in the Kingdom of God here on earth. It is the art of “practicing the presence of God in one single act that does not end.” He often stated that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our soul. We must merely open our hearts to receive Him and His loving presence, where ever we are, be it in a bustling kitchen or on our knees in prayer. A classic in Christian literature. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence.

M-620. The Practice of Prayer   A down-to-earth approach to the essentials of Prayer. Answers many questions of the spiritual life, such as How do we learn to listen to God in our prayer and How do we develop a life of prayer in the midst of busy, active lives?. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Practice of Prayer by Margaret Guenther.

M-622. Anglican Spirituality   This course reaches into the treasury of Anglican spirituality and draws out pearls of wisdom for today’s needs. Here the student will discover spiritual guides – both clergy and laity – who speak directly to their own hearts, minds, and souls. The Anglican tradition has shown an abiding concern for a holy living that leads to a holy dying; this course offers earnest, practical devotion to inspire and to instruct the Christian pilgrim in the path of discipleship. It presents not simply a general collection of spiritual writings but rather direct words of spiritual counsel . 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Spiritual Counsel in the Anglican Tradition by David Hein and Charles R Henery .


M-701. Church Planting Today   This is a great new course on church planting that balances the personal spiritual issues with the theological, cultural, and technical. It speaks from deep theological conviction, pastoral experience, and missiological vision. Church planting is one of the most important movements of our era-and one that follows the pattern set by the apostles. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Church Planter: The Man, the Message, the Mission by Darrin Patrick.

M-710. “Cool” Christianity   A well researched and introspective look at Hipster Christianity, where cool and the Church intersect within our culture. McCracken begins with a detailed history of hip, and conveys to the reader how the secular concept of cool has become a facet of contemporary Christianity in some Christian circles. While the author cannot stay completely away from caricatures, he does the best he can to present the reader with a variety of examples of how cool and Christianity collide to form distinctive subcultures within the American church, all leading up to the big question: are these subcultures of cool good for the Church? McCracken answers the question with a plea for the authentic and the real to become the focus of the Church, and that Christians begin to make their own worship and culture instead of trying to mimic it. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Hipster Christianity: When Church and Cool Collide by Brett McCracken.


M-801. Hymnody   Appropriate for all mainline denominations and presents a balanced survey of Christian hymnody from the earliest examples to the present day. It also includes helpful suggestions about teaching new hymns, incorporation hymnody into Christian formation. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Sing with Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Hymnody, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded by By Harry Eskew and Hugh T. McElrath.

M-805. Hymnody in Historical Context   Detailed and comprehensive approach to hymnody, presented in a clear and refreshing style, providing a comprehensive timeline, an extensive bibliography, and careful definition of terminology wherever necessary. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Te Deum: The Church and Music by Paul Westermeyer.

M-810. Liturgy in the Church   A study of the history of liturgy and information on contemporary revisions of the liturgy of Anglican, Roman, Orthodox and Protestant churches. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Study of Liturgy, Revised by Cheslyn Jones, Geoffrey Wainwright, Edward Yarnold and Paul Bradshaw, Editors.

M-812. Church Administration   For churches and religious nonprofits, the business of business is not business – it is ministry. However, these organizations still have to plan. Because organization is needed to accomplish specific tasks, leadership must train and motivate workers for progress and effectiveness. Topics include: Organizing the Church, Basics for Administration, Documents for Administration, Administering Personnel Resources, Administering Financial Resources, and Administering Risk Management. This course will assist pastors and church administrators in becoming effective and efficient leaders, managers, and administrators. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Church Administration: Creating Efficiency for Effective Ministry by Robert H. Welch.

M-814. Church Finance   A one-stop, comprehensive model for managing finances and fundraising. It guides leaders of any size church or ministry to create a culture of giving that supports savvy, faithful, and legal financing. The authors present a biblical theology of stewardship that supports ways to develop donors and maximize contributions, enact a strategic budget and effective audit process, project income and expenses, work with banks, compensate staff, and address debt. The book’s practical step-by-step approach makes finance issues understandable for leaders without a business background. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Money Matters in Church: A Practical Guide for Leaders [Paperback] by Steve Stroope.

M-816. Communication Essentials   Simple Strategies for Getting the Word Out. Do you ever wonder why people today aren’t getting your message? Maybe you can relate to how they feel: bombarded, skeptical, stressed, overloaded … looking for something amidst the pressure of life that will make a real difference. Your mission is as compelling as ever! But hitting people with more promotions, flyers and brochures isn’t helping them find the good news. What if you could break through the clutter and find the direct route to their hearts and minds? It’s easier than you think. With proven “now” communication strategies, practical solutions and principles that build trust instead of walls, you can make every aspect of a person’s engagement with your church simple and more rewarding. Packed with short illustrations and real-life stories, this course is for leaders in today’s attention-deficit world. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Less Clutter. Less Noise.: Beyond Bulletins, Brochures and Bake Sales [Paperback] by Kem Meyer.

M-817. Communication Across Cultures   Human communication from a Christian perspective. Creating Understanding puts communications media into proper perspective. It makes meaning and understanding the focus of the effort of communication. It is committed to having the purposes of communication determine the means to be employed. This course proposes a foundation on which the enterprise of Christian ministry can be built or refined. It provides perspective, constantly, on the ways the cultural landscape is informing and affecting the communication process. ONLY in E-BOOK. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Creating Understanding: A Handbook for Christian Communications Across Cultural Landscapes [E-Book] by Wanda Vassallo.

M-820. Leadership Development I   Outlines the basics of effective leadership including exerting influence, determining priorities, empowering others, and implementing team strategies. It’s essential reading for any one wanting to make a positive difference at church, home, or office. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell.

M-825. Leadership Development II   Are you ready to take your management skills to the next level? Based on the updated edition of Maxwell’s bestseller, this workbook uses case studies and self-evaluation to boost your skills. As you internalize and apply life-changing principles on influence, empowerment, intuition, respect, legacy, and more, you’ll transform your leadership style—and your life. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workbook, revised & updated by John C. Maxwell.

M-829. The Anglican Prayer Book   To understand the phenomenon of Anglicanism we need to understand the Prayer Book — in its original setting and in its many transformations. A comprehensive resource of expert discussions in helping one learn more of what Anglicanism has given to the literary heritage of Christianity and culture alike. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer: A Worldwide Survey by Charles Hefling and Cynthia Shattuck.

M-830. The American Book of Common Prayer   The 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is a part of the modern liturgical landscape of the Western Church. This course delves into the history of the entire Christian Church, the Latin Church before the reformation, the vast expanse that is Anglicanisim, and even into the modern liturgical movement using each section of history to show the sources and aims of the 1979 Episcopal BCP. A worthy source of information on the liturgy and practice of the 79 Edition of the BCP, and will serve any serious liturgist well. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Commentary on the American Prayer Book by Marion J. Hatchett.

M-834. An Introduction to the Diaconate   This course includes a history of deacons in the early church, a survey of deacons from the Reformation to the present, stories of modern diaconal ministries, including first-hand accounts, and a discussion of the formation, training, and deployment of deacons. A comprehensive look at this vital ministry in the Episcopal Church today. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Many Servants, Revised Edition: An Introduction to Deacons by Ormonde Plater.

M-835. The Order of the Diaconate   A study of the development of the office of the deacon in the early church and situated today within the context of the church’s total ministry. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): The Diaconate: A Full and Equal Order by James Monroe Barnett.

M-836. Deacons in the Liturgy of the Church   This short course is a how-to guide that spells out in great detail the liturgical functions of deacons in the Episcopal Church. Different portions focus on deacons in rites of Christian initiation, the Eucharist, ordinations, seasonal celebrations, daily office, and various pastoral liturgies (marriages, reconciliations, burials). It is an excellent guide for appropriate diaconal participation in liturgy. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Deacons in the Liturgy by Ormonde Plater.

M-840. Priesthood, Prayerbook and Liturgy   Exploration of the liturgical experience in the Episcopal Church, intended to provide a background and reference for use of the Book of Common Prayer and for celebrating the liturgies of the Church. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Prayer Book Rubrics Expanded by Byron D. Stuhlman.
Optional Text(s): Celebrating the Eucharist – A Practical Ceremonial Guide for Clergy and Other Liturgical Ministers by Patrick Malloy; Commentary on the American Prayer Book by Marion J. Hatchett; and, A Priest’s Handbook by Dennis G. Michno .

M-850. Liturgical Introduction to the Old Catholic Church   The study of ritual for the Old Catholic Church, intended to be useful for study as well as worship practice. A valuable resource for Old Catholics, independent Anglicans, and students and liturgists of other Christian denominations and jurisdictions as well. This inter-jurisdictional approach establishes and provides a common ground for celebrating the Sacraments and other rites of the Church that helps to bind and solidify Old Catholic worship and prayer. The textbook bears the approval of the International Synod of Old Catholic Churches (ISOCC) . 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Oremus: A Prayerbook for the Old Catholic Priest by Bishop Andre Queen.

M-852. Preparing persons for Instruction in the Faith of the Old Catholic Church   A course which discusses the essential needs of a parish priest in giving a basic instruction in the faith of the Old Catholic Church. There is a particular emphasis on preparation for baptismal and confirmation classes. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): A Short Catechism of the Old Catholic Church by Fr. Rick Saint.

M-861. Radical Christian Discipleship   Take a transforming journey in authentic discipleship. As the pastor of a large and wealthy congregation, David Platt began to see a discrepancy between the reality of his Church and the way Jesus said His followers lived. In Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, Platt examines how American Christianity has manipulated the gospel to fit our cultural preferences and challenges readers to rediscover the path. 4 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream (Multnomah Publishers, Inc. / 2010 / Paperback) by David Platt .


M-901. Master’s Thesis   A major paper appropriate to the student’s interest in Theology/Ministry. The topic must be pre-approved by UBTS. This is the final element of preparation for the Master’s Degree program. After approval of the topic, a draft of the thesis will be delivered. Comments and/or questions will be provided to the student by the selected UBTS readers. A final copy of the thesis will then be prepared by the student for approval, taking into consideration the comments of the readers. The paper should be double-spaced using a 12 point font, preferably Times Roman or Arial (or similar), with one inch margins. Either footnotes or endnotes may be used. See the style guide for specific questions regarding format and presentation of material (or inquire of the Dean of Studies.) This project should be between fifty and seventy-five pages in length, longer if appropriate. 8 credits.
Prerequisites: All other course work must be completed prior to writing the Masters Thesis
Required Text(s): None.
Optional Text(s): The Little Style Guide to Great Christian Writing and Publishing by by Leonard G. Goss and Carolyn Goss.


M-1001. The Portable Seminary: A Master’s Level Overview in One Volume (Bethany House / 2006 / Hardcover) By: Edited by David Horton   In this one-of-a-kind book, lay people and pastors will find the major topics included in a typical seminary master’s program, including surveys of the Old and New Testaments, systematic theology, church history, apologetics, missions, ethics, Christian education, and more. Designed for anyone who wants an introduction to a seminary education but cannot afford the time or money to attend seminary, who lives where formal training is unavailable, or whose previous education is primarily secular. Complete in one volume. The Portable Seminary features a distinguished international faculty of more than fifty professors, lecturers, and authors including: Donald G. Bloesch, Lillian Breckenridge, Walter A. Elwell, Kenneth O. Gangel, Norman L. Geisler, Julie Gorman, Carl F. H. Henry, Marlene Lefevre, Alistair E. McGrath, Leon L. Morris, Mark A. Noll, Robert L. Saucy, Bruce Shelley, Tite Tiinou, John R. W. Stott, C. Peter Wagner, and Ravi Zacharias. 0 credits.
Prerequisites: None.
Required Text(s): None.

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