What We Offer

Degree Programs

First Faith Theological Seminary (FFTS) offers several different academic programs. Each program is designed to help develop Spirit anointed leaders for Christian ministry through rigorous learning experiences that allow them to study and practice under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and the mentorship of a highly qualified and talented faculty.


FFTS is designed for Christians who want to learn the Bible and live out the teachings of Christ. The academic programs are built on the fundamentals of the Christian faith but recognize the diversity that exists among God loving believers who accept the Bible as the inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word of God, and Christ Jesus as the only Savior.


Students applying to any academic program must be at least 21 years old and involved in a local church ministry (whether as a lay ministry volunteer or as a paid staff member).


Bachelor of Ministry (B.Min.) (Requirements)

(60 Credits of Intensive Ministry Study above the Associates Degree or 120 credit hours)

Requires a High School diploma as a prerequisite for admission to the program.

Curriculum (Required courses)

B-101/10. Old Testament Studies 4 credits.

B-120/30. New Testament Studies 4 credits.

B-20x. Fundamentals of Theology (choose one: 201-203). 4 credits.

Additional elective courses. 40 credits.

B-901. Credo. Thesis on personal doctrinal beliefs. 8 credits.

Click on link to view course descriptions (click here)


Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.) (Requirements)

(60 Credits of Intensive Theological Study above the Associates Degree or 120 credit hours)

Requires a High School diploma as a prerequisite for admission to the program.

Curriculum (Required courses)

B-20x. Fundamentals of Theology (choose one: 201-203). 4 credits.

B-245. Introduction to Christology. 4 credits.

B-301. Introduction to Ethics. 4 credits.

Additional elective courses. 40 credits.

B-901. Credo. Thesis on personal doctrinal beliefs. 8 credits.

Click on link to view course descriptions (click here)


Master of Ministry (M.Min.) (Requirements)

(40 Credits of Intensive Ministry Study)

Requires a Bachelors Degree as a prerequisite for admission to the program.

Curriculum (Required courses)

M-101/02. Understanding the Old Testament. 4 credits.

M-110/12. Understanding the New Testament. 4 credits.

M-20x. Systematic Theology (choose one: 201-204) 4 credits.

Additional elective courses. 28 credits.

M-901. Masters Thesis (Optional). Thesis on pastoral ministry. (8 credits.)

[Thesis replaces two elective courses above (8 credits).]

Click on link to view course descriptions (click here)


Master of Theology (Th.M.) (Requirements)

(40 Credits of Intensive Ministry Study)

Requires a Bachelors Degree as a prerequisite for admission to the program.

Curriculum (Required courses)

M-20x Systematic Theology (choose one: 201-204). 4 credits.

M-24x Historical Jesus (choose one). 4 credits.

M-300 Christian Ethics (choose one). 4 credits.

Additional courses in Theology (choose two: 205-295). 8 credits.

Additional elective courses. 12 credits.

M-901 Masters Thesis (Required). Thesis on a theological doctrine. 8 credits.

Click on link to view course descriptions (click here)


Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) (Requirements)

(Doctorate by Dissertation)

Requires a recognized Masters Degree as a prerequisite for admission to the program.

[ Intended for Christian religious professionals. ]

First Faith Theological Seminary follows the British educational model in its Doctorate-by-Dissertation program. Participants pursuing the Th.D. degree shall complete a ten-phase process equivalent to typical work beyond the Master’s degree in a traditional doctoral program which shall include —

  1. Determination of the Dissertation Topic
  2. Theological School Faculty Approval
  3. Dissertation Research Methods & Development Approval
  4. Obtain Research Methods Approval
  5. Initial Dissertation Writing Effort and Submission
  6. Dissertation Committee Evaluation and Critique
  7. Dissertation Defense
  8. Rewrite/Modifications to the Initial Dissertation Text
  9. Submission of Completed Dissertation, Ready for Publication
  10. Final Approval — Degree Award

Click on link to view course descriptions (click here)


No transfer credit shall be applicable toward this degree, neither shall there be any credit for “work experience” or “life experience.” This is an earned degree and the development of a doctoral dissertation is a major and significant academic effort.


Design Your Own Degree Plan

Your education should be a reflection of who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re heading. FFTS gives you the freedom to design an individualized program of study- called a concentration- that meets YOUR educational and professional goals.  You can choose from hundreds of courses offered by FFTS to create a program of study that meets your needs. Please contact us for more information at Firstfaiththeologicalseminary@gmail.com

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