Certification Programs

First Faith Theological Seminary is currently offering a Certificate in Biblical Studies. Students that complete this program will be awarded 30 credits that can be used towards earning a Bachelor’s degree for FFTS.

Bible Diploma Program

Earn Your Bible Diploma In 6 Months

$50 Enroll $100/month for 6 months 
(includes tuition, books, postage)

By completing 1 course a month, students will earn the Bible Diploma in Biblical Studies in as little as 6 months and the Advanced Bible Diploma in Biblical Studies in about 12 months.

Each course is accelerated—designed for busy people to complete on average every 2-3 weeks.

$150 to start. Incl. 1st required course – Basic Bible Doctrine

Students may chose 6 course from the 40 courses listed below to receive their Bible Diploma from First Faith Theological Seminary. Each course comes with an exam, student text and workbook. Students will receive 3 credit hours per course.

These 40 courses provide a well-rounded education and balanced approach to get students into the Bible, and for the development of successful Christian living.

Basic Bible Doctrine
Personal Evangelism
Gospel of Mark
Psalm 23
Book of Nehemiah
Character Development
Bible and Prayer
God in American History
Book of Ruth
Bible Times & Customs
Old Testament Survey 1
Old Testament Survey 2
New Testament Survey
Christ Our Sufficiency
Christ in the Tabernacle
Study of Daniel
Jesus, the Vine
Winning Over Worry
Principles of Spiritual Growth
Handling Adversity Book of Proverbs
Christ the Teacher
The Biblical Family
Peter, Paul & John the Baptist
Book of Philippians
Spiritual Power in Teaching
Christ’s Words from the Cross
Christian Warfare
Discipleship Training
Bible & Science
Key Words of the Christian Life
Church History
Present Labor & Future Rewards
Book of Revelation
1 & 2 Thessalonians
God’s Wonderful Promises
Surviving an Economic Meltdown
Seven Churches of Revelation
Spiritual Leadership


Pastoral Basic Training Program I

Required Courses

Basic Bible Doctrine
This course covers important Bible doctrines including the attributes of God, the person and work of Christ, the ministry of the Holy Spirit; and teachings regarding man, Satan, angels, the church, and end time events. Added emphasis on Christian living.

Sermon Preparation
Preaching is the proclamation of the Good News of salvation; the very truth of God through man to men. The preacher is separated by God for the specific work of preaching the Gospel. Every message the preacher delivers ought to be stamped with his own personality and expressed in his own way. Take this close examination of expository preaching with emphasis on the preparation, process, and organization needed to prepare effective sermons.

Pastoral Leadership, Courses I & II – (2 courses)
Criswell’s Guidebook for Pastors is the basis for this comprehensive look into many facets of the pastor’s ministry from an experienced pastor. Dr. Criswell deals with wide areas of concern including the pastor’s role in Christ’s plan, the preaching and study duties of the pastor, the pastor in relationships, administration and his personal life, and such pastoral duties as weddings, funerals, counseling, and pastoral do’s and don’ts.

Biblical Leadership
In this dynamic study, John MacArthur teaches us the spiritual (and practical) leadership principles that Paul learned from the Lord, and then modeled for us. The Bible makes it clear that character—not style, not technique, not methodology, but character—is the true biblical test of all great leadership, in the church and out. Learn 26 characteristics of a true leader.

Power for God’s Work
Based on works by Charles Stanley, D.L. Moody and others, this course will challenge Christian workers to a life and ministry with the power of the Holy Spirit. The fullness of the Holy Spirit will bring joy, peace and victory within the life of any believers, and will also empower Christian workers to successfully reach and teach others for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuition $650.00

$50 Enroll $100/month for 6 months 
(includes tuition, books, postage)

Pastoral Basic Training Program II

Required Courses

Expository Preaching
An investigation of the development and delivery of expository messages. Authoritative preaching is much needed in this age of multimedia presentations, social action appeals, and experiential worship services. Modern techniques can enhance communication but they can also substitute for the message. Today’s preacher competes with many sources of information for the hearts and attention of their church members. It has likely never been more important for the preacher to improve their skill at delivering God’s message.

Spiritual Leadership
Real leaders are in short supply. Churches, people, and groups all search for them. Throughout the Bible God searched for them. The Bible shows us that when God does find a person who is ready to lead, that person is used to the limit. Despite their flaws and shortcomings, they become a spiritual leader. Authors R.A. Torrey and Oswald Sanders expound on obtaining God’s power and wisdom as spiritual leaders. Jesus was revolutionary in His teaching on leadership. Do you aspire to the honorable vocation of spiritual leadership? Take this course.

Mastering Pastoral Counseling
There is likely no stickier area of pastoral ministry than counseling. Traps abound. Mistakes will be made. The counseling pastor is in great demand today. How can a devoted pastor combine Biblical teaching with the counseling touch? Archibald D. Hart, Gary L. Gulbranson, and Jim Smith combine decades of experience in pastoral counseling to give the student of a wealth of godly wisdom. “The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever”. (Psalm 33:11).

Marriage Counseling
A course designed to help counselors give good Biblical advice for couples having problems with their relationships. Emphasis is given to the goal of marriage, the meeting of personal needs, and the foundational building blocks for an enduring and successful marriage.

Pastoral Epistles
In this study of 1-2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon, Warren Wiersbe emphasizes that nothing takes the place of faithfulness. The greatest ability you can have is dependability. This course will help you understand a local church’s ministry and encourage you to be faithful to the Word, to your tasks and to other people.

Discipleship Training – A relevant study for training in discipleship. It includes an investigation of the early church, the process of making disciples, and the elements of leadership training. Special emphasis is also given to the problem of materialism in the life of modern Christians.

Tuition $650.00

$50 Enroll $100/month for 6 months 
(includes tuition, books, postage)

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